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Thomas Hardy observed that ideas and thoughts expressed through poetry seemed to garner more acceptance and tolerance than when said in normal prose. This is just one reason of many why poetry is so important and loved throughout the world, and as tomorrow is National Poetry Day, the Listening Books team are sharing some of their favourite poems with you to get you in the mood...
October 7, 2015
0 CommentsOver in the US, the folks at Banned Books Week are “Celebrating the Freedom to Read”, so we’re also taking a look at some famous banned and censored books that, for many of us, seem utterly harmless.
October 2, 2015
0 CommentsThe Bible is thought to be the most read title of all time, but what is the second biggest book of all time? It’s believed that the runner up is in fact ‘Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung’, or, as it is better known, the ‘Little Red Book’.
October 1, 2015