As well as access to thousands of books in audio as part of membership to Listening Books, members who access our online service also have complementary access to PressReader, an online magazine and newspaper provider.
Featuring UK newspaper publications such as The Telegraph and The Guardian, and magazines such as Forbes, Variety and Vogue, members can access thousands of global publications in their original languages, all available to listen to online.
Categories, among others, include:
-Animals and Pets
-Business and Current Affairs
-Entertainment and TV
-History and Science
-Crafts and Hobbies
-Health and Fitness
For all adults over 18, this service will automatically be added to your account. Either click here and sign-in, or visit your dashboard, select Newspapers and Magazines from the options on the right of the screen.
For members under 18, schools, and those accounts that are managed by someone else, you can ask to have this service enabled. Simply contact the membership team at or on 020 7407 9417.