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Eight podcasts to get between your ears this year

Eight podcasts to get between your ears this year

The podcast industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with recommendations for new podcasts as common as tips for restaurants and shows on Netflix. But what do experts listen to? The Conversation asked eight authors from across their sections to tell us about their favourite podcasts – and why you should tune in.

February 7, 2017

Seven of the best literary bears

Seven of the best literary bears

It's Hug a Bear Day! If you've read the blog before, you might have caught that I'm a huge Winnie-the-Pooh fan. Well, I'll confess to you now, that whilst Winnie-the-Pooh might be my favourite literary bear, I love a lot of bears. By which I mean fictional bears, and cuddly bears, and fictional bears that you'd really like to cuddle.

November 7, 2016

Talk Like a Pirate Day is a thing and these books will give you all the lingo

Talk Like a Pirate Day is a thing and these books will give you all the lingo

Arrrrr! Ahoy me-hearties! Ye scallywags 'av plundered ye'selves some crackin' booty 'ere, eh?! .... Phew! Talking like a pirate is hard work! But yes, Talk Like a Pirate Day really is a thing. So it looks like I need to get in training!

September 19, 2016

Read a Book Day: which one will you choose?

Read a Book Day: which one will you choose?

National Read a Book Day happens every year. This doesn't mean that it's the only day that's great for reading of course, but it's a brilliant reminder to pick up a book or audiobook if you haven't read for a while, or to choose your next title to read! It can be hard to decide what to read next, so recommendations are super helpful to point you in the right direction...

September 6, 2016

Children's books that will make you cry

Children's books that will make you cry

The Guardian recently published this article on books that make you cry. A book that gets the tears going is usually a good one, and the comments showed an interesting trend. Among the Time Traveller's Wifes and Attonements of the world, were a whole host of children's books.

February 11, 2016

Author: Margaret Forster

Author: Margaret Forster

Honouring author Margaret Forster, who died on Monday, aged 77. Award-winning author Margaret Forster wrote a great many well-loved novels and biographies. Her earliest success was Georgy Girl, published in 1965, which was turned into a film the following year.

February 9, 2016

The Harry Potter lists that every Potter lover needs

The Harry Potter lists that every Potter lover needs

Here at Listening Books the Harry Potter series regularly tops our list of most downloaded audiobooks. As every Potter fan will know, this success can be easily explained - the books are great. Like really great. And that might still be the biggest understatement ever.

November 23, 2015

7 Books on Mental Health and Mental Illness: Understanding ourselves and others through fiction

7 Books on Mental Health and Mental Illness: Understanding ourselves and others through fiction

In honour of World Mental Heath day today, we have put together a list of books which include the theme of mental health or specific mental illnesses.

October 10, 2015

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day

Thomas Hardy observed that ideas and thoughts expressed through poetry seemed to garner more acceptance and tolerance than when said in normal prose. This is just one reason of many why poetry is so important and loved throughout the world, and as tomorrow is National Poetry Day, the Listening Books team are sharing some of their favourite poems with you to get you in the mood...

October 7, 2015