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Asking For It

AuthorLouise O'Neill

NarratorAoife Mcmahon

Duration8h 32m

CategoriesYoung Adult and Teen Fiction

Key StageKS4

PublisherHodder & Stoughton


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In a small town where everyone knows everyone, Emma O'Donovan is different. She is the special one - beautiful, popular, powerful. And she works hard to keep it that way. Until that night.... Now she's an embarrassment. Now she's just a slut. Now she is nothing. And those pictures - those pictures that everyone has seen - mean she can never forget. For fans of Caitlin Moran, Marian Keyes and Jodi Picoult. The award-winning, best-selling novel about the life-shattering impact of sexual assault, rape and how victims are treated.

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