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Stories For Boys Who Dare To Be Different

AuthorBen Brooks

NarratorThomas Judd

Duration2h 59m

CategoriesChildren and Young Adult Non-Fiction and Educational Titles, English



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Prince charming, dragon slayer, mischievous prankster... More often than not, these are the role-models boys encounter in the books they read at home and at school. As a boy, there is an assumption that you will conform to a stereotypical idea of masculinity. What if you prefer to pick up a book rather than a sword? What if you want to cry when you're feeling sad or angry? What if you like the idea of wearing a dress? There is an ongoing crisis with regards to young men and mental health, with unhelpful gender stereotypes contributing to this malaise. This book offers a welcome alternative narrative. It is an extraordinary compilation of 100 stories for men from the past to the present day, every single one of them a rule-breaker and innovator in his own way. Entries include Frank Ocean, Salvador Dal¡, Rimbaud, Beethoven, Barack Obama, Stormzy, Ai Weiwei and Jesse Owens - different sorts of heroes from all walks of life and from all over the world.

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