Showing 13 results:
Author: Lyn Macdonald
Format: Online
Author Lyn Macdonald
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 16h 6m
'On the face of it,' writes Lyn Macdonald, 'no one could have been less equipped for the job than these gently nurtured girls who walked straight out of Edwardian drawing rooms into the manifest horrors of the First World War ...' Yet the volunteer nurses rose magnificently to the occasion; in this audiobook they get a chance to tell their own stor...
View BookCountdown To Extinction: Animals In Danger
Author: David Burnie
Format: Online
Author David Burnie
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 2h 18m
What do tigers, giant pandas, blue whales and great white sharks have in common? Within a generation they may join dinosaurs, dodos, woolly rhinos and great kangaroos - they will become extinct. Human dominance on earth may be good news for us, but it's bad news for many other animals that share our planet. 'Countdown to Extinction' looks at the ca...
View BookWould You Believe...two Cyclists Invented the Aeroplane?! and Other Transport Triumphs
Author: Richard Platt
Format: Online
Author Richard Platt
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 32m
Find out about the four legged friends of the Aztecs, bloomers and the bike revolution, and how the Wright brothers got it right! Listen to this book from start to finish for a social history of transport or dip in and out for fascinating and often hilarious facts.
View BookAuthor: By Jane Ogborn Edited
Format: Online
Author By Jane Ogborn Edited
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 1h 35m
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning are the three nineteenth-century poets explored in this collection.
View BookAuthor: Dr. Kwame Mckenzie
Format: Online
Author Dr. Kwame Mckenzie
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 2h 35m
We all have low moods from time to time. Usually, the mood passes after a few days and we get back to our normal way of living. We may say that we have been 'depressed', 'down in the dumps', 'fed up' or have had the 'blues'. But low moods like this are not what doctors call depression. Instead, they use the term to describe a more severe illness wh...
View BookAuthor: Simon Adams
Format: Online
Author Simon Adams
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 2h 35m
How do we know what ancient Athens was like or how the Aztecs lived? This question is fully answered by Archaeology Detectives, which tells the story of how archaeologists in the past two hundred years have gradually deciphered some of the world's most fascinating ancient sites. It takes the reader on the journey from initial discovery of specific...
View BookAuthor: Richard Walker
Format: Online
Author Richard Walker
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 1h 56m
We share our planet with an incredible range of life - millions of species of animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. Although we are the most intelligent of all life-forms, we are, like other creatures, biological machines that walk, feed, drink, and behave. And, in our case, talk, create, think, and remember. For all those who want to "look u...
View BookHow To Make A Universe With 92 Ingredients
Author: Adrian Dingle
Format: Online
Author Adrian Dingle
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 58m
How To Make A Universe With 92 Ingredients takes on the impossible and triumphs - it makes chemistry fun! A unique and imaginative take on chemistry for children, with 'experiments' that show how all things are made from just 92 chemical elements - from trees to mobile phones, to humans and the Sun - kids will love this fascinating and entertaining...
View BookThe Bumper Book of London: Everything You Need To Know About London and More
Author: Becky Jones, Clare Lewis
Format: Online
Author Becky Jones, Clare Lewis
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 10h 26m
This entertaining and informative book includes every fact, figure, statistic and hidden secret of London that will be of interest to children. Mixing history with literature, listings with trivia, it opens windows on all areas of London's rich past and present. Here children will learn about London's art and architecture, landmarks, hidden places,...
View BookAuthor: CGP Publications
Format: Online
Author CGP Publications
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 5h 51m
This book is full of detailed revision notes for GCSE ICT students. It covers every topic for the AQA, CCEA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC exam boards. The whole thing's designed to make revision straightforward - each section is split into topics with questions to check what you've learnt at the end. It's all explained simply and thoroughly in CGP's chatt...
View BookAuthor: Steve Cole
Format: Online
Author Steve Cole
Narrator Jan Boyd
SeriesSecret Agent Mummy, Book 1
Duration 1h 54m
One boy. One mummy. One mad, bad mission. Cleopatra's tomb has never been found-until NOW. And you won't BELIEVE what's been hiding inside. Sam the SECRET AGENT MUMMY must take on a statue that bites; an undead empress with unfinished business; terrifying intergalactic lizard-men; and an ancient plot that threatens all life on Earth. Sam calls on h...
View BookYour Body: An A-z From Allergies To Zits
Author: Steve Parker
Format: Online
Author Steve Parker
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 6h 37m
This dictionary of the human body is arranged in easy-access alphabetical format, suitable for 9-13 year olds. Topics covered include major body structures and processes (lungs and breathing, heart and circulation, etc) and individual organs. Also covered are concerns that often preoccupy this age group - a wide range of common ailments and conditi...
View BookThe Usborne Books of World Religions
Author: Susan Meredith
Format: Online
Author Susan Meredith
Narrator Jan Boyd
Duration 3h 31m
This thought-provoking book examines in detail the beliefs, history and customs of all the major world religions, as well as taking a look at some less well-known faiths. The huge impact of religion on human affairs throughout history and some current religious issues are carefully and objectively discussed.
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