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Lit Podcasts You Need to Listen To`

Lit Podcasts You Need to Listen To`

March 12, 2021 0 Comments

Do you sometimes feel like you haven't satisfied your book cravings, even after hours of reading or listening to an audiobook?

Sounds like you might need to get into book podcasts!

Book podcasts are lit in every sense of the word. Full of literature discussion, geeking out on book trivia, and recommendations! Sounds good, right? Even better: we've put together eight fabulous podcasts you should try right now!


The Penguin Podcast

The penguin podcast logo

If you love hearing words of wisdom and finding out what inspires your favourite authors, then this is the book podcast for you!

This award-winning podcast is published by Penguin but features guest hosts. Recent episodes have been hosted by radio and TV presenter Nihal Arthanayake. Every fortnight, an author is invited to talk about their work through selected objects that they've been inspired by. Guest authors include Ali Smith, Adam Kay and Alex Wheatle!

Listen to The Penguin Podcast




Brit Lit

The Brit Lit podcast logo

Brit Lit is a podcast which is dedicated to - you guessed it! - British books and authors!

This is a great one for anyone who wants to find out more about authors and publishing in the UK. It's hosted by Claire, a British writer based in the US. Each episode she chats to a guest from the publishing world, usually an author, about their latest books, writing, and publishing advice. There's also news from the world of British books! Most recently she's chatted to Claire Jones, Milly Johnson and Lucy Farfort.

Listen to Brit Lit




The Poetry Exchange

The Poetry Exchange podcast logo

If you've ever loved a book or a poem so much that it feels like a friend then you'll want to check out The Poetry Exchange. 

This podcast is a series of conversations about a poem that has been a friend to them. Their range of guests is really diverse, and includes names like Brian Cox, Maxine Peake, and Andrew Scott! Every episode is a celebration of the power that poetry has to bring poeple together. In more 'normal' times, they also hold live events at festivals in the UK. 

Listen to The Poetry Exchange




Sentimental Garbage

The Sentimental Garbage podcast logo

Ever felt guilty about what you're reading?

If you love reading or listening to audiobooks, but you're not desperate to dive into a doorstop of a classic novel, or you haven't read ANY books of those '50 books to read before you die' lists, then you'll love this podcast.

Journalist and author Caroline O'Donoghue discusses books that many of us love, but don't always 'count' as 'literature'. She dissects chick-lit and investigates why it's often overlooked with authors, fans, and cultural critics like Dolly Alderton, Jojo Moyes, and Candice Carty-Williams. 

Listen to Sentimental Garbage




Mostly Lit

The Mostly Lit podcast logo

Sadly, this is no longer an active book podcast. But it does have a great backlist of 75 episodes where hosts Raifa Rafiq and Alex Reads explore connections between literature, pop culture, and wellbeing. 

With guests like authors Candice Carty-Williams and Julie Cohen, they cover topics as varied as gender, race and religion. It's big conversations merged with fun and entertaining chat! 

Listen to Mostly Lit





The Audioshelf Podcast Logo

We all love audiobooks here at Listening Books, which means we're always on the hunt for that next great listen. If you're the same, then try Audioshelf!

Hosts Brad and Britney review chat about all things books on both a podcast and YouTube channel. They review audiobooks in a manner that's thoughtful, funny, and honest - with occasional debates about whether vampire novels are making a return and how YA novels have changed!

Listen to Audioshelf





The Backlisted Podcast Logo

There are books and authors we've all heard of. But if you've ever wanted to stray off the beaten track a little when it comes to your next book, the Backlisted podcast could provide you with some great inspiration!

This podcast is all about giving those lesser-known books the attention they deserve. Each episode features a guest, usually an author, who chooses a book that they think deserves a little bit more love. Recent episodes include Val McDermid talking about crime novel Miss Pym Disposes, and John Niven and Sali Hughes discussing the novel Karoo. 

Listen to Backlisted




The Listening Books Podcast

The Listening Books Podcast Logo

We didn't think it would be too cheeky to sneak ourselves onto the end of the list!

Hosted by Listening Books audio producer, Jessica Stone, our podcast is about all things literature with a focus on audiobooks. Sometimes we discuss specific topics, like holiday reads or books that make us cry, and often we have special guests like author Simon Brett or writer and comedian Adam Buxton! And we do love to throw in a literary-related game when the mood takes us...

Listen to The Listening Books Podcast



If you have other book podcast recommendations then let us know in the comments! 

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Our Books of the Month for June are here! 🌟

For Adults, we have Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I by Tracy Borman. While Anne Boleyn is the subject of enduring fascination, it is often her brief marriage to Henry VIII that dominates the narrative. But what about her role as mother to the future Queen of England, Elizabeth I? 👑 This fantastic audiobook, narrated by the author, explores their surprisingly powerful mother-daughter relationship 💜

For Children, we have Water by Catherine Barr, which teaches kids the importance of protecting freshwater worldwide 💧 This Sound Learning title, recorded in-house by Listening Books, covers all the requirements of water as a topic in Key Stage 1 and 2 ✏️

Stream or download both books on our website or the Libby app today 🎧

ID: Book covers of Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I by Tracy Borman and Water by Catherine Barr on a blue and purple gradient background. Beneath each cover reads 'Adults' and 'Children and YA' respectively. To the left, a white banner features the Listening Books logo, purple text reading 'Books of the Month' and a a stack of books. Above the Water book cover is a pair of headphones.

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