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Summer Reading Challenge: 8 Tips For Keeping Your Child Motivated To Read This Summer

Summer Reading Challenge: 8 Tips For Keeping Your Child Motivated To Read This Summer

June 29, 2023 0 Comments

Listening to audiobooks is a great way for you or your child to read more. Often it can be hard to keep your child entertained, especially over the long summer holidays, and books are a great solution.


The Reading Agency's Summer Reading Challenge, which starts in Scotland on Saturday the 24th of June and in England and Wales on Saturday the 8th of July, allows you to set a reading goal for your child, who can receive special badges throughout the Challenge, and a certificate upon completion. 

This summer the Challenge focuses on the theme “Ready, Set, Read!” and all the books are centred around staying active through games, sports or adventure.

So, here are a few tips to keep your child engaged and reading over the summer.


1. Put an audiobook on in the background

The great thing about audiobooks is you can be doing something else whilst listening, such as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. You can also listen in the car, whilst on a walk or whilst you’re cooking.


2. Choose books that also have movie adaptations

If your child has a favourite film that was originally a book, why not start with that? Watching the movie first could help them visualise the characters and enjoy it more.


3. Choose books their friends are also listening to

Being able to share and talk about a book can often keep you motivated to read more.


4. Don't be afraid to "give up" on a book

In the reading world, “DNFing” refers to choosing not to finish a book; this could be because your child is simply not enjoying the plot or because they don't really like the narrator's voice. Whatever the reason, don't be afraid to choose a different book.


5. Let your child be involved in choosing the book

This ensures they will be interested in what's going on within the story. You can give suggestions and try to introduce them to other genres, but letting them take control of what books you are listening to encourages them to listen.


6. Choose shorter books

Typically children have a shorter attention span, so by choosing shorter books they are less likely to lose interest, whilst building on their listening skills.


7. Allow your child to revisit their favourites

Studies have shown that children like to choose familiar books both to read and to have read to them, which is very beneficial for their vocabulary acquisition, language fluency and emotional wellbeing. Audiobooks are great for this, as they allow children to build familiarity with stories, without the need for parents to read the same books over and over again.


8. Encourage your child to draw a picture of the story they're listening to

This helps them to actively engage with books and express their creativity, while keeping fidgeting hands busy.


To sign your child up to the Summer Reading Challenge, please click here.


To take part in the Challenge with your child's Listening Books membership, why not check out some of our recommended audiobooks for the “Ready, Set, Read!” theme?

To browse our list of suggested titles, please click here


Author: Emily Grimsey

Editor: Emily Pye

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