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Mental Health Support Organisations and Charities

Mental Health UK

Mental Health UK brings together over 40 years of expertise from four national mental health charities to provide advice, information and support to the 1 in 4 people in the UK experiencing a mental health problem. They provide online information about mental illnesses, advice about money problems, and support groups across the UK to reduce isolation. 

Visit the Mental Health UK website


The Samaritans provide a free helpline open 24 hours a day for anyone who needs to speak to someone, especially during a crisis. They also run their service via email. They have advice online for anyone experiencing a crisis or for those helping someone else or worried about someone. 

Visit the Samaritans website

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK is a nationwide charity for those affected by anxiety, stress, and anxiety based depression. They provide online advice and support for people with anxiety or those supporting someone, help accessing therapy, as well as a membership with several benefits including 10% off a Listening Books annual membership. 

Visit the Anxiety UK website




YoungMinds is a charity supporting young people struggling with their mental health. They provide information and support about mental illnesses including depression and anxiety, guides to getting support, and information helping young people look after themselves. They also have resources available for parents, teachers and other support professionals. 

Visit the YoungMinds website




Mind offer advice, information and support to anyone with a mental health condition in the UK. Their publications are certified by Information Standard, which means the NHS has assessed that they provide high quality information. Nationally, they campaign to improve services and raise awareness. There are also many individual Mind charities working in local areas to provide local support. 

Visit the Mind website 


SANE is a UK mental health charity that provides support and information to people affected by a mental health condition. They offer the SANEline, an out-of-hours mental health phoneline offering emotional support from volunteers. They also have a online community support forum for people aged 18 and over. 

Visit the SANE website